Dear Potential Milk Donor,

Thank you for your interest in becoming a milk donor for The New York Milk Bank. The gift of your milk is unique and a great kindness to ill and premature babies. We appreciate your time and effort to complete our screening process which will assure that the milk vulnerable infants receive is pure, safe and of optimum quality.

The next step to becoming a milk donor is to complete this application which includes the following forms:

As a member of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America we are required to have blood testing done for all milk donors. We have agencies throughout New York State that will perform the blood tests; there is no cost to you. Once we have received all your completed screening forms, we will contact you to make arrangements for your blood testing.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We are available by phone at 212-956-MILK (6455) ext. 109 or through email at You will find a list of our current Milk Depots locations on our website at

Again, thank you for your willingness to donate your milk.


Donor Coordinator Team The New York Milk Bank, Inc.
401 Columbus Avenue, Suite 104 Valhalla, NY 10595 212.956.MILK (6455) ext. 109
914.202.3358 Fax

Pumping For Preemies Thank you for following our pumping protocols!


  1. You, your baby, or any household member becomes ill. The exception to this is an uncomplicated cold, or seasonal runny nose, or allergies, in which the sick person's temperature is no higher than 100℉ orally. With all other illnesses, we cannot accept milk collected in the 24 hours before the person became ill and until 24 hours after they are well. If you have questions about this, please give us a call and we can discuss it further.
  2. You need to take any new medications or drugs. In this case, please call us for advice. (Milk enhancing supplements such as ashwagandha, blood pressure and some anti-depressant medications are NOT approved for milk donation for premature infants.)
  3. You have ANY breast tenderness. In the presence of plugged ducts or breast infection, unacceptable bacteria may be present in the milk.
  4. You smoke cigarettes or use tobacco.
  5. You use recreational drugs such as marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine, etc.
If any of the above circumstances has occurred and your milk has already been sent, please call us immediately at 212-956-MILK (6455) ext. 109.
Each situation is different. Sometimes your milk may be perfectly safe to use.

Additional Dietary Instructions and Restrictions:

  • All lactating individuals need to eat a balanced diet and drink to satisfy thirst.
  • Vegans should be taking a daily multivitamin, including vitamin B.
  • Any alcohol intake of 2 ounces requires a 6-hour waiting period before pumping.
  • Caffeine from tea, coffee, soda, or chocolate is acceptable if no more than 24 ounces per day.
  • Herbal teas are okay, but limit to two cups per day. If greater than two cups, vary the type of herb.
  • Vitamins are acceptable in usual dosages. No mega-dosing and no herb-containing vitamins.


Please follow these steps. The health of the babies we serve depends on it! If you have any questions or if you need more collection bags call us at 212.956.MILK or send us an email:

  1. WASH HANDS AND PUMP PARTS THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP AND WARM WATER before each pump session. Dry hands with a clean towel.
  2. If you are pumping directly into the collection bottle that came with your pump, open it and place the cap inside up. When finished, replace cap and refrigerate until you are ready to transfer milk to a milk storage bag. Avoid touching the top lip of the container or the inside of the cap or inside the milk storage bag.
  3. Leave space in the milk storage bag to allow for expansion as the milk freezes. It is safe to fill our Up and Up bags to 6oz/180mL, but no higher. Please do not donate any cracked or leaking containers; we will have to discard them.
  4. Label each milk storage bag with the following information, using a permanent marker. Sharpies work best. Labeling is easier when done before the bag is frozen:
    1. Your full name and donor# (when available)
    2. Date of collection and approximate time
    3. Medications taken (if applicable)
    4. If you are donating milk collected before contacting us, please place your storage containers inside a clean food storage bag. On the outside of the bag, please mark your name and donor number with a Sharpie marker
  5. Refrigerate or freeze your milk within 30 minutes of pumping. Place the milk in the rear or bottom of your freezer, wherever it is coldest. If necessary, you may refrigerate your milk for up to 24 hours before freezing. If you wish to add fresh pumped milk to milk already refrigerated, allow fresh milk to cool in its own container before combining. See 6b.
  6. Please do not donate milk that has been heat treated in any way.
    1. This includes warming, scalding, boiling, or thawing after freezing
    2. Placing body temperature milk in the same container as refrigerated milk, also called stacking or layering


  1. Wash pump parts with soap and warm water and rinse them after each pumping. Do not wash the tubing. Be sure to use a designated brush and bin/basin. Take care to clean your duckbill valve.
  2. Sterilize the pump parts once a day. Follow any of these procedures:
    1. Sterilize parts by placing clean, disassembled parts in a pot. Cover parts with water and bring to a boil. Time for 5 minutes. Drain water over a colander and allow parts to cool in an open pan until you can remove them with clean hands to a clean towel to dry; then, place them into a clean plastic bag or container and cover. If you leave them on the countertop, cover with a clean, dry cloth.
    2. Using a pump steam bag in the microwave is acceptable.
    3. The top rack of a dishwasher on the sanitizing cycle is acceptable.
  3. Examine your pump/s and replace parts and tubing regularly. Do not place your pump on the floor.


You can help provide higher calorie milk that will help our tiny babies grow. We know that pumped milk changes during a single feeding. Milk pumped from a full breast starts out as lower calorie "foremilk". It is normal for it to look thin. As the breast empties, the fat content of the milk increases. The "hindmilk" is higher in calories. This creamier looking milk helps small babies gain weight. It is very important to include hindmilk in each container to help the babies receiving donor milk to grow well.


  • Pump milk after you have fed your baby, if applicable
  • If you pump from a full breast, pump until you empty the breast. This will make sure that both the foremilk and hindmilk have been removed. Use as many containers as you need
  • Massage the breast gently before and during pumping to help stimulate the letdown reflex and release more fat into the milk
  • Encourage letdown by relaxation techniques
  • Milk expressed in the morning may contain more foremilk since it has had time to collect in the ducts overnight. Milk expressed in the afternoon may be higher in hindmilk.

Please do not hesitate to email us at if you have any questions!

Preventing Infectious Disease

Please report any illness to the NYMB Donor Coordinators as soon as possible!

If you engage in the following behaviors you may increase your risk of blood borne disease and sexually transmitted disease such as HIV and hepatitis, and you may not qualify for milk donation:

  • Having unprotected sex with multiple partners
  • Having anal sex
  • Having sex with a partner who has sex with multiple partners or who has anal sex with men
  • Injecting recreational drugs

To protect yourself from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections:

  • Get tested and know your partner's HIV status. Talk to your partner about HIV testing and get tested before you have sex.
  • Have less risky sex. Oral sex is much less risky than anal or vaginal sex. Anal sex is the riskiest type of sex for HIV transmission.
  • Use condoms. Use a condom correctly every time you have vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
  • Limit your number of sexual partners. The more partners you have, the more likely you are to have a partner with HIV whose HIV is not well controlled or to have a partner with a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Both of these factors can increase the risk of HIV transmission. If you have more than one sexual partner, get tested for HIV regularly.
  • Get tested and treated for STDs. Insist that your partners get tested and treated too. Having an STD can increase your risk of becoming infected with HIV or spreading it to others.
  • Don't inject drugs.

The following occupations put you at increased risk for exposure to blood borne pathogens:

  • Health Care Workers
  • Correctional Health Care Workers
  • Dental Workers
  • First Responders
  • Body Artists
For more information about how you can protect yourself from blood borne pathogens in these fields, refer to:

How We Collect Information About You: The New York Milk Bank and its employees and volunteers collect data through a variety of means including but not necessarily limited to letters, phone calls, emails, voice mails, and from the submission of screening materials that is either required or necessary to process milk donors, donor milk recipients or other requests for assistance through our organization.

What We Do Not Do With Your Information: Information about your financial situation and medical conditions and care that you provide to us in writing, via email, on the phone (including information left on voice mails), contained in or attached screening forms, or directly or indirectly given to us, is held in strictest confidence.

We do not give out, exchange, barter, rent, sell, lend, or disseminate any information about applicants or clients who apply for or actually receive our services that is considered patient confidential, is restricted by law, or has been specifically restricted by a patient/client in a signed HIPAA consent form.

Information We Do Not Collect: We do not use cookies on our website to collect data from our site visitors.

Limited Right to Use Non-Identifying Personal Information From Biographies, Letters, Notes, and Other Sources: Any pictures, stories, letters, biographies, correspondence, or thank you notes sent to us become the exclusive property of NYMB. We reserve the right to use non-identifying information about our clients (those who receive services or goods from or through us) for fundraising and promotional purposes that are directly related to our mission.

Clients will not be compensated for use of this information and no identifying information (photos, addresses, phone numbers, contact information, last names or uniquely identifiable names) will be used without client's express advance permission.

You may specifically request that NO information be used whatsoever for promotional purposes, but you must identify any requested restrictions in writing. We respect your right to privacy and assure you no identifying information or photos that you send to us will ever be publicly used without your direct or indirect consent.


Please enter a valid email address.

Infant Information For twins, please input the information for each child separated by a semicolon ( ; )

(not your insurance provider's name)




Please answer all of the following questions to the best of your ability. All information is confidential and will not be shared. If you have questions please email us at
Donor's Obstetrical and Lactation History
  1. Have you previously breastfed or provided your milk to any other children?
    Please select an option.
  2. Have you ever expressed and stored milk with a previous baby?
    Please select an option.
  3. Do you currently have milk that has been expressed and stored?
    Please select an option.

    Have you heat-treated your milk in any way such as warming, scalding, boiling, or thawing after freezing?
    Please select an option.

    If yes, have you placed any freshly pumped milk on top of previously cooled milk in the fridge or freezer when collecting milk to donate?
    Please select an option.
    Please note that when donating freshly pumped milk, do not stack or layer it on top of milk that has already been cooled in the fridge or freezer. All milk must be chilled before combining.
  4. What type of pump(s) are you using to express your milk?

    Do you use a Haakaa or other passive pump?
    Please select an option.
  5. Have you had a breast infection since pumping?
    Please select an option.
  6. Do you use the bottles that came with your pump to collect your milk?
    Please select an option.
  7. Are you on any special diets?
    Please select an option.

    If yes, please check all that apply:

    * No butter or non-fat milk powders, etc. Are you reading labels?
    Please select an option.
    ** If vegan, do you take a B12 supplement?
    Please select an option.
  8. Did you experience any complications during this pregnancy, childbirth, or postpartum, such as infections, excessive bleeding, or high blood pressure?
    Please select an option.
  9. Did your baby have an in-utero transfusion or transplant?
    Please select an option.
  10. Donor's Medication, Herbal and Recreational Drug Use
  11. Do you take any medications on a regular basis?
    Please select an option.
  12. Did you take ANY medications or supplements in the week before or while pumping the milk to be donated?
    It is crucial for us to be aware of any medications you took during the time when the milk being donated was pumped. This encompasses both prescription and over-the-counter drugs, including but not limited to birth control pills, antibiotics, laxatives, stool softeners, allergy medications, diabetic medications, blood pressure medications, cholesterol medications, asthma medications, and pain medications. The well-being of the babies who will receive the milk is contingent on your honesty and transparency.
    Please select an option.
  13. Did you take ANY herbs or essential oils in the week before or while pumping the milk that is being donated?
    This includes herbal remedies, special medicinal or herbal teas.
    Please select an option.
  14. Do you take any dietary supplements?
    Please select an option.

    Check all that apply:

  15. Do you use tobacco products?
    Please select an option.

    Check all that apply:

  16. Do you drink caffeinated beverages?
    Please select an option.
  17. Since giving birth, have you consumed alcohol?
    Please select an option.
  18. Have you used any recreational or medicinal marijuana in the past five years?
    Please select an option.
  19. Has your sexual partner or any members of your household used any recreational or medicinal marijuana in the past five years?
    Please select an option.
  20. Have you used any illegal drugs, such as cocaine, LSD, ecstasy, amphetamines, or heroin, in the past five years?
    Please select an option.
    How were the drugs ingested? Check all that apply:
  21. Has your sexual partner or any members of your household used any illegal drugs such as cocaine, LSD, ecstasy, amphetamines, or heroin, in the past five years?
    Please select an option.
    How were the drugs ingested? Check all that apply:
  22. Donor's Medical History
  23. Have you ever been instructed not to donate blood or milk?
    Please select an option.
  24. In the past year, have you undergone surgery or received medical attention for a significant illness (excluding pregnancy)?
    Please select an option.
  25. In the past 12 months have you been exposed to Hepatitis A and/or received a gamma globulin shot?
    Please select an option.
  26. Have you or your sexual partner had jaundice (excluding immediately after your own birth), liver disease, or hepatitis?
    Please select an option.
  27. In the last 12 months have you or your sexual partner had close contact with a person with jaundice or viral hepatitis?
    Please select an option.
  28. Have you completed the Hepatitis B vaccine series?
    Please select an option.
  29. In the past 12 months have you or your sexual partner had intimate contact with someone with Hepatitis, HTLV or Hemophilia?
    Please select an option.
  30. In the past 12 months have you or your sexual partner had intimate contact with someone with HIV or AIDS?
    Please select an option.
  31. In the past 12 months have you or your sexual partner tested positive or been treated for a sexually transmitted disease (syphilis, gonorrhea, or chlamydia)?
    Please select an option.
  32. Do you or your sexual partner have a history of oral herpes (cold sores)?
    Please select an option.
  33. Have you changed sexual partners in the last three months?
    Please select an option.
  34. Have you had sex during the past 3 months with a man who has had sex with another man in the past 3 months?
    Please select an option.
  35. Have you or your partner(s) undergone body piercing, tattooing, or received permanent makeup using needles in the past 12 months?
    Please select an option.
  36. Have you or your sexual partner received acupuncture with non-sterile needles within the past 12 months?
    Please select an option.
  37. In the past 12 months have you been exposed to any toxins or heavy metals such as lead, mercury, or gold?
    Please select an option.
  38. Has your home been treated with chemicals in the past year?
    Please select an option.
  39. In the past 12 months have you or your sexual partner had an accidental needle stick or exposure to someone else's blood?
    Please select an option.
  40. In the last 12 months, have you or any of your sexual partners served time in juvenile detention, jail, or prison for a period exceeding 72 hours?
    Please select an option.
  41. Have you or your sexual partner ever received payment for oral sex or sexual intercourse?
    Please select an option.
  42. Have you or any of your sexual partners ever been diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB), had exposure to TB, tested positive for TB, or received a positive chest X-ray result?
    Please select an option.
  43. Have you or any of your sexual partners received treatment for tuberculosis (TB) in the past?
    Please select an option.
  44. Do you or anyone in your household currently have a cough that has lasted longer than 3 weeks?
    Please select an option.
  45. Have you or anyone in your household been coughing up blood or running a fever?
    Please select an option.
  46. Have you ever been diagnosed with heart disease or high blood pressure?
    Please select an option.
  47. Do you have insulin-dependent diabetes?
    Please select an option.
  48. Have you or your sexual partner ever had a skin disease or unexplained skin lesions
    Please select an option.
  49. Within the last 6 months, have either you or your sexual partner been diagnosed with Chickenpox or Shingles?
    Please select an option.
  50. Have you received any vaccinations in the past 12 months?
    Please select an option.

    Please provide the type and dates of any vaccinations you have received

  51. Have you experienced any illnesses or complications as a result of receiving a vaccine?
    Please select an option.
  52. Within the last 8 weeks, have you received the Smallpox vaccine or been in close proximity to someone else who has received the vaccine?
    Please select an option.
    If you received the Smallpox vaccine, has the scab fallen off your skin on its own?
    Please select an option.
    If you have been in close proximity to someone who received the Smallpox vaccine, have you developed any new skin rashes or sores since that time?
    Please select an option.
  53. In the last 12 months have you been bitten by a dog suspected of having rabies?
    Please select an option.
  54. Have you received injections or experimental vaccines for rabies exposure in the past 12 months?
    Please select an option.

    If yes, please provide the type and dates of any vaccinations you have received

  55. Do you have a history of yeast infections (oral, vaginal, systemic) or unexplained white sores or lesions in your mouth?
    Please select an option.
  56. Do you have or have you had unexplained weight loss, persistent diarrhea, fever or night sweats?
    Please select an option.
  57. In the last 12 months have you received a blood transfusion, blood products or an organ/tissue transplant?
    Please select an option.
  58. Have you been diagnosed with vCJD, CJD, or any transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), or has a blood relative been diagnosed with CJD (excluding sporadic or iatrogenic cases)?
    Please select an option.
  59. Have you received a human cadaveric (allogeneic) dura mater transplant?
    Please select an option.
  60. Do you have a personal history of cancer?
    Please select an option.
  61. Travel History
  62. Have you lived in, traveled to, or been born in any African country since 1977?
    Please select an option.
  63. During the past six months, have you received a diagnosis for the Zika Virus?
    Please select an option.
  64. Have you lived in or visited a region with ongoing Zika Virus transmission, such as the Caribbean, South America, or Central America?
    Please select an option.
  65. Has a male sexual partner of yours lived in or traveled to a region with ongoing Zika Virus transmission?
    Please select an option.
  66. Other
  67. Have you received a diagnosis or been suspected of having COVID-19?
    Please select an option.
  68. Have you received a diagnosis or been suspected of having monkeypox?
    Please select an option.
  69. Infant's Medical History
  70. Was your baby jaundiced?
    Please select an option.
  71. Has your baby ever had a yeast infection such as thrush or a yeast diaper rash?
    Please select an option.
  72. Has your baby been exposed to any communicable diseases, such as chicken pox, measles or mumps?
    Please select an option.
  73. Does your baby have frequent infections, such as colds, ear infections, diaper rash or skin infections?
    Please select an option.
  74. Is your baby gaining weight and meeting appropriate growth milestones?
    Please select an option.
  75. Has your baby been exclusively fed human milk?
    Please select an option.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the Donor & Infant Health History

I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge I have answered all questions truthfully. I do not consider myself to be a person at risk for spreading the HIV/ AIDS virus, COVID-19 or any other disease.

Donor's Name: 
Donor's Name: 
Donor's DOB: 
  1. By signing this consent form I confirm that I have voluntarily chosen to donate my breast milk to The New York Milk Bank (NYMB).
  2. I have received detailed information regarding the NYMB Screening Process, including:
    1. Information I am required to provide about my personal and family history
    2. Pre-donation medical testing
    3. Any and all medications that I am currently taking or have taken within the last 30 days
    4. If applicable, the date on which I last smoked cigarettes, consumed alcohol, or took illegal drugs
  3. All my questions about the donation process have been answered to my full satisfaction.
  4. I understand that I will not be paid for the milk I donate. I am also aware that my milk will not be sold, but a processing fee will be charged to the recipient institution or an eligible recipient in the community receiving the milk.
  5. I understand that a minimum of 150 oz. (about 4,400 ml) of my frozen breast milk is required for me to be accepted as a donor. I understand that I must follow the donation and collection procedures as outlined by NYMB and that failure to do so may result in my being removed from the NYMB donor program.
  6. I am aware that once my milk has been donated it will be in the custody and control of NYMB and cannot be returned to me.
  7. I understand that all donor information is confidential personal health information (PHI) and will be kept in a secure, HIPAA-compliant location controlled by NYMB.
  8. I understand that a sample of my milk will be tested for harmful bacteria after pasteurization and for macronutrient composition (amounts of protein, fat and milk sugar (lactose). I understand that if any harmful bacteria, etc. are discovered during testing I, and/or my baby’s Health Care Provider will be notified with the results if they are relevant to my health or my baby’s health.
  9. I understand that my milk may be pooled with milk from 1-4 more donors to optimize the nutrient content.
  10. I acknowledge that my milk or data about the milk, as well as my blood samples or data about my blood samples, may be used for research purposes by NYMB and/or NYMB-approved third party institutions, if NYMB determines such needs exist. In such cases, NYMB will remove/redact all relevant PHI in compliance with HIPAA and other federal or state laws concerning PHI and/or personal identity information (PII).
  11. I have read all of the information about HIV and the blood tests done for donors. I do not consider myself to be a person at risk for spreading HIV. I understand that the laws of the State of New York require positive test results to be reported to the local public health authorities.
  12. I agree to have my blood tested every 6 months, at the expense of NYMB through an NYMB-approved provider, while I am donating milk as described in ‘Blood Testing Required for Milk Donors’ and understand that I, and/or my baby’s Health Care Provider will be notified with the results if they are medically relevant to my health or to my baby’s health.
  13. I agree that I will refrain from smoking, drinking or taking recreational or illegal drugs for the duration of my donor relationship with NYMB. I understand that failure to abide by this paragraph will result in my removal from the NYMB donor program and, pursuant to paragraph 8, NYMB may notify my baby’s health care provider if testing of my milk reveals use of such substances.
  14. I understand that acceptance as a milk donor is in no way an indication that my milk is safe to share with individuals outside of the milk bank. Milk banks take several steps to ensure the safety of donor milk beyond health screening of the donor. Therefore, my acceptance as a donor is not a guarantee of the safety of my milk for a recipient if it has not been pasteurized and tested by The New York Milk Bank.
  15. I will make every effort to see that my milk is donated according to the instructions provided. I understand that it is my responsibility to notify NYMB:
    1. If I, my baby, or a member of my household has an illness's involving a fever or requiring medications for me or my baby.
    2. When I have been exposed to a contagious illness or disease, including monkeypox.
    3. When I take any new medications, or herbal or dietary supplements.
    4. When any new circumstances in my life contraindicating milk donation arise.
  16. I understand that failure to notify NYMB in a timely manner of any of the conditions outlined in paragraph 15(a) – (c), above, may result in being removed from the NYMB donor program.
  17. I understand that I am encouraged to discontinue donating milk anytime my participation interferes with my own baby, my own or my family needs.
  18. I understand that I can withdraw from being a donor at any time without providing a reason.
  19. I hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge that I understand and have answered all the questions truthfully during the screening process.
Donor's Name: 

All prospective milk donors must have blood testing. The actual tests are not performed until you have collected at least 100-150 ounces of milk and your screening forms have been signed and returned.

Testing is done at no cost to you, the donor. Please do NOT offer to show your insurance card. This will only result in your insurance company being billed. All test results are confidential.

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test detects antibodies to HIV or the AIDS virus. While the risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS is very low for any infant receiving another mother’s milk, at this point, it is reasonable not to accept milk from anyone who has ever been exposed to the virus.

While the test for antibodies to the HIV/AIDS virus detects almost everyone who carries the antibody to the virus, it occasionally is false positive.

Other viruses breastmilk donors are screened for are: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HTLV-1 and 2 (Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus) and Syphilis. If your results are positive for any of these viruses (including a false positive reaction on any test), we will not be able to use your milk.

If any of your tests are positive, the health care provider named on your screening form will be notified to discuss the confidential results with you. These results, if positive, are reportable to the New York State Department of Health. Donors who wish to have copies of their test results must request in writing that all results be forwarded to their named health care provider. A medical provider must interpret test results.

I have read the Consent for Blood Work and have no further questions about the blood tests which will be performed on my blood sample.

Donor's Name: 
I authorize to release the requested medical information to The New York Milk Bank for the purpose of participation as a human milk donor.
Donor's Name: 
Donor's DOB: 
Instructions for Healthcare Provider

Your patient has graciously volunteered to donate milk to The New York Milk Bank. As you know pasteurized donor human milk can make a significant difference in the health of ill and premature infants. Please complete the following information, sign and date, stamp with office info and either fax to 914.202.3358 or mail back to us at: 401 Columbus Avenue, Valhalla, NY 10595. DO NOT ORDER LAB WORK OR COMPLETE THE TESTING. Please call us at 212.956.MILK (6455) ext.109 if you have questions or concerns. All donor records are confidential. Thank you for your assistance.

Information Required By Healthcare Provider

To the best of your knowledge, does this patient have a history of:

Genital Herpes?
Please explain:
Blood Transfusion in the last 12 months?
Please explain:
TB, Hepatitis or prenatal viral infection
Please explain:
Taking any medication on a regular basis?
Please explain:

Please report test results & the date of test below (if available)
HIV 1 & 2
HTLV 1 & 2
Hepatitis C

Date Immunized for Rubella (if after delivery): ______________

To the best of my knowledge, (name of patient) is in good health and would be an appropriate milk donor to the milk bank.

Provider Signature

Please stamp here