Please note that when donating freshly pumped milk,
do not stack or layer it on top of milk that has already
been cooled in the fridge or freezer. All milk must be
chilled before combining.
What type of pump(s) are you using to express your milk?
If yes, please check all that apply:
Donor's Medication, Herbal and Recreational Drug Use
Donor's Medical History
Please provide the type and dates of any vaccinations you
have received
If yes, please provide the type and dates of any
vaccinations you have received
Travel History
Infant's Medical History
Thank you for taking the time to complete the Donor & Infant
Health History
I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge I have answered all
questions truthfully. I do not consider myself to be a person at
risk for spreading the HIV/ AIDS virus, COVID-19 or any other